
April 2012

jeudi, 21 avril 2011 07:13

This early spring has been a time of departures at the Belem Foundation: our good ship Belem left Nantes on April 6th for the start of her training season while, in Paris, Eric Gavoty bade goodbye to his team and retired from his post as General Secretary of the Foundation where he has been succeeded by Christelle de Larauze. As the President of the Foundation, Nicolas Plantrou, points out in his farewell homily, “ Belem had become identified with Eric, just as Eric was identified with Belem. He relentlessly defended her cause and saw to it that our magnificent ship continues sailing and receiving visitors, that trainees are welcomed according to their wishes, that Belem dignifies her role as ambassador for France”. For the last 15 years, Eric dedicated himself to his mission of ensuring the daily maintenance of the ship, the care of her crew and passengers as well as making the Belem a household name throughout the length and breadth of France as a witness and a symbol of French naval history as well as an exceptional working ship. 
So, from us all: thank you, Eric and welcome, Christelle!

And, in accordance with this season's programme set up over the last few months under Eric's guidance, Belem has been welcoming aboard the first teams of trainees in Nantes, Lorient and Saint Nazaire. So, as they say in Britain: bon voyage!

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